Our House
In the summer of 2008, Green Hall, affectionately called “Mama Green,” officially became home to the Zeta Mu chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta.
The Hall is situated at the front of Dorm Row between McCormick and Baker. Housing 40 sisters, but a home to all Thetas, there is always something happening—whether it be baking cookies, or catching up on the latest season of the Bachelor, or study sessions with sisters and friends.
Mama Green stands in the heart of campus, so the house is always full of life. Whether it’s a club meeting or sisters coming in for a between class snack, you can always find sisters throughout the house to talk to!
Some Quick Stats
40 sisters live in the house
7 doubles, each with a private bath
26 singles
2 conference and study rooms
TV and game room
5 kitchens (one on each floor)
easy access to Maseeh, McCormick, and Baker dining
the closest house to main campus!